away of a Tuesday
across the Valley, over the hill, turned north thirty miles out of Reno
through Nixon, Gerlach
and made it to Wall Spring before dark. Next morning was clear, damp and cold as
would be all the rest…
Wednesday night Sonny and Seth came over in “stealth mode”, running silent if not deadly
in their recently acquired lime green golf cart and Thursday came up like all the rest…chilly
and bright .
Silent night, silent mornings…
sunny ‘n’ bright.
We await the ends; will the peace Trump claims as his own abide [as his buddies the Israelis massacre civilians attempting to celebrate it?], will Canada and Greenland* roll over to the
whims of the Scowling One…or will all this bombast lead to…bombs? Seems they’re all set to
enact a little “Shock and Awe” but, aw, shocks, we all know how that worked the first time
though maybe some don’t and figure if at first you don’t succeed you can always just step in that burning pile of shit again, eh? Or maybe the formula will work better in The Homeland…
And what of poor Los Angeles, where they pay more in federal taxes than all but four states?
Shock ’em, awesomely…beginning next week.
Meanwhile I gathered up some long-languishing firewood
and contemplated the View East.
Could be worse…as it may well become, but hopefully not out here.
*Panama too, woo-hoo!