Monthly Archives: March 2018

March; in like a lion, out like a mo’fo’…

Well, as it turns out, at the last minute, maybe not…warm[ish] and mellow[ish] March departs

but before it does, a week after toothday

wetness out to Fairfield, where all’s fair and BevMo’s selling second bottles

of selected reds for a nickel as I sell watercolors over the internet for more than that

and endlessly inventory smalls and smallests…

Unearthing forgotten dreams from the eighties

and nineties

as winds

continue apace


[oh and sixties]

Saturday saw a rare foray beyond Our Little Town

down the breezy coast for a rare familial reunioning at my brother’s place

and home through, um, California, typical.

Back, and after another flurry of socializing, to the Inventory of the Smallests,

a few more morning walks

afternoon bikes

until, 27th March, Benicia’s done.

And March soon after elsewhere, ides or not.