Monthly Archives: August 2019

Depiction does not necessarily mean glorification

…although to the willfully visually illiterate it might seem so. But, as the beat goes on and petitions proliferate on the internet continuing to call for the eradication of the Arnautoff murals the impression that any blind idiot can declare that any simple picture means whatever they want to say it is is hard to dismiss…on the other hand Alice Walker assumed a wiser and more rational approach, which I wholeheartedly endorse.

While here on the ground and far away from that fray

the oaks in the canyons are at their greenest

[trace of a sculpture rescued from the woods after years in Collapse]

[the mysterious “yellow place” where the knoll dives precipitously into wildness]

and the black dogs are at their growing-ests

as some wait it out.

After a spate of uncommonly hot and torpid “dog” days the weather somewhat broke whereupon Linda left to check progress on her Big Commission in Denver and continued on

to California for two pre-op opthalmology appointments in Vallejo while the dogs, desoleés, awaited her return.

Meanwhile an utterly unexpected [similar to the similarly unexpected one Tuesday] downpour

Thursday brought with it a lightning-caused Fire to which the Gardner VFD quickly responded

and dealt with, allowing life to continue despite

puppies [!]

…at least for now.