Monthly Archives: January 2024

More of the same, somewhatish…


and in.

It was a week, though, where after close to three years I finally “completed” the new-to-me 2006 Tundra by finding and installing a 6CD changer…hilariously antiquated technology I know but  befitting my antiquated habits; CDs in random rotation having been my soundtrack of choice for years both here, in Nevada and now again in the car so with that accomplished it was off

to Kaiser for PT and a consultation about doggie arthritis [if the PupGrade works for Aggie

maybe I should try it too?] and then, years after he sent his graduate seminar faculty numinous

little prints at Christmas [which L., charmed, had framed],  Todd Hido has yet another

remarkable and highly recommendable book out which arrived ahead of schedule as one grey

day gradated into another all the way

up to the weekend, wetly, while Friday in other news

my brother surprised me with documentation of intrepidly Tesla-ing the length of the

potentially disastrous Panoche Road from I-5 to Pacines while we here persisted

in our grey gradations…

January, eh?  Which is, however, not all doom and gloom* as many middays brighten up

enough, even, for lunches outside.

*Not all dDoom and Gloom as long as one doesn’t dwell, overmuch or at all, on the ongoing Palestinian genocide perpetrated by Israel’s f-ing “Democracy” with the active complicity of our own mealy-mouthed Demockery or, equally disturbing, the antics of a bewilderingly charismatic pretender to the throne here at home whose seemingly non-sequitous and utterly insane [to we the uninitiated] ravings apparently contain revelatory instructions for his adoring legions of disciples in every word. Words they are eager to act upon at any minute…oh, it’s “gonna be wild”.