While Putin’s pissoir torpedoed the Defense Bill and flitted off to Deface-a-Lake with his
plasticene dreamwife compliments of the KGB we contentedly settled for a moody Christmas
Eve day on the straits and Christmas Eve zoom meet with the familial after pizza and paella from Gaby accompanied by a gratifyingly inebriatory bottle of Cabernet well above
our paygrade [familial screen shot courtesy of Brenda Moore, upper right, second from right].
The Day itself brought the same merrily sombre weather with an afternoon
visit from Bryan, who stayed for stuffed squash after a walk to the bottom of Second to witness
the ebb tide; all that was swell and
Saturday brought sun, a chill sun
down the alleys of Benicia. Our Little Town.
The year’s winding down, folks…not that year’s end will make much difference.
Three days to go
oh [uh-oh – the coppers!]
from here.
Good luck!
Happy Hopeful 2021…
*A Christmas classic from Terry Allen; a person could, if so inclined, squeeze “Martinez” into the slot for “Panama” and have a lot of fun with it.