Monthly Archives: July 2018

Yet another weekend, yet another week

and somehow by Monday it took two people [one of them the Fedex driver] to convince me it was on longer Sunday, which I should have known since Saturday we were

at the Gardner Farmer’s Market getting salad for all the activities which really,

after quite quiet beginnings, didn’t happen until Sunday,

[Sunday’s quiet beginnings]

culminating in dinner for eleven [not shown] and five peoples overnight into breakfast.

After the many departures Leon and Ammy finished off the corner post project,

we had a short evening walk punctuated by thunder,

followed by lightning, rain and hail

…all gone in time for a damp dinner out.

Morning was like it never happened except of course for damp earth,

a Widow and intense colors

up the creek, trying hard to be Less Dry.

All’s better after a rain…

Tuesday, though dry by day, brought more of the same by now rendering the fire-less [not

better after a rain] Sun Dance crew wet as drowned kittens unless the county relaxes their Ban.

dry by day…

Late rainy season making crazy flooding downstream from the burns as predicted [not seen, but heard.  About].