No need to vote

for “President” Trump as he and his enablers have promised to reign victorious no matter what the election results are, leaving us free to vote for a Dead Kennedy*, a Kennedy with a dead bug in his head, some Kristi Noem type or even the guys who’ve been keeping the government running, rebuilding alliances abroad and the economy here at home while simultaneously underwriting horrendous genocide in the Near East [just so they’re not accused of “anti-

Semitism”**]. Anyway none of this will matter after November as the Trumplican Maggots have sworn they’ll seize power and tear it all down no matter what [why wait?].  Just watch the fuckers.  With that in mind my week began with an early morning trip to V-town for vascular

ultrasound which determined circulation was normal all the way down to my toes followed by dog walking, Safeway, a very spendy California fill-up for the Tundra and a very lengthy wait

at Big O while Linda was being sold a new set of tires for her Mini. Late that afternoon I exchanged the Taco for the ’45 at the aforementioned to have its electrical drain sorted [which ultimately proved beyond their capabilities].  Meanwhile Bryan was here on a round of Bay Area visits [his mother in SF, cousin Tyler in Santa Clara rehab temporarily due to a traumatic brain injury, and ourselves] including dinner with us at Lucca Tuesday…a good visit though he still doesn’t know when his reassignment will come through and to what.

Wednesday Monday’s routine repeated, this time for an EKG to determine that

all was well with the heart, back to Beni in time for a bright morning walk with dogs, a Lebanese

lunch generously brought over from San Rafael by our dear friend Mary while spring’s greens

began yellowing into Fire Season as the weather warms and as it does I’m counting down,

down…towards The Country Life.  What could go wrong, right?

*I do believe Jello Biafra ran for president once but I might be wrong, right? Wavy Gravy definitely put Nobody forward at one point – “Because Nobody’s Perfect” – and the alternatives certainly aren’t, ever.

**Now that they’re proposing to withold “offensive” weapons [but not the others, “Iron Domicile” etc.] the “semites” are all hysterically waving their little blue and white flags and screaming the US supports terrorism; it’s a lose lose all the way down.



3 thoughts on “No need to vote

  1. Steve Stern

    As a Diasporic Semite – by definition, by the way, Semite includes both Jewish people and Arabs – I don’t want to be lumped in with the Zionists. The biggest percentage of Jewish people in the US are pro-Israel, but not all; a big hunk of practicing Jews are pro-Palestine (like me, although I am not a practicing anything).

    As I understand it, the Iron Dome is a three-linked SAM system. The top tier is built by Boing and designed to take out ballistic missiles, the middle tier is built by Raytheon, and the short-range system is allegedly all Israeli. It’s defensive, so I guess it does make sense to keep supplying Israel with parts if the plan is to help Israel defend itself. But it doesn’t make sense if the goal is genocide against the Middle Eastern natives. But, yeah, it’s a lose-lose deal.


    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Zionists and people, whether practicing Jews or not [or not Jewish, for that matter], for whom Israel can do no wrong mystify me; that country has been extremely badly behaved since its inception. And as you point out, they aren’t the only semites; what could ever be more “anti-Semitic” than what what they’ve been doing to the people of Palestine for close to a century…isn’t eradication considered anti-semitic?

  2. Kirk+Moore

    Thankful for some good news on your feet and heart but, yeah, Amerika’s election and the planet in general are locked in a “lose-lose”. When does your switch to Country Life commence?


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