[A] last week

in Benicia town…with our paltry but beloved selection of roses

and the hummingbird still down by the wettish lands near the straits.

Morning walks with Sumi sighting river traffic in the winds

before covering up the ’45 for another season,

knocking off the myriad details,

a last dinner at Mai Thai

to facilitate leftover red curry [not shown] for the first night away

from the windy straits and a last morning’s cryptic leavings

just before leaving for the “summer”, all six months of it.

Lane closures over the top slowed things down but not

disastrously; stops at Heather Glen, the Prosser Bike Trailhead were followed by

the usual Escape from Reno and gas in Wadsworth,

beyond which

things thinned out considerably

as was to be expected

so after exhausting unloading

it begins…well something, anyway. Red Curry…

2 thoughts on “[A] last week

  1. Fred Kolouch

    I seem to have spent some time off your list, or vice versa. Great to see your world through your eyes again. Not a lot of news here except a memorable trip to Antarctica in December. Very much worth the journey–an astonishing and memorable world out of the world we know. Still without a web site, as I may always be, I share my shots on FaceBook which I know you avoid. Should you ever join up I am there as Fred Kolo.
    All is well here except the banker element has burgeoned out of control. Ocean, beach and sky retain their appeal, and the garden. A new almost tame bunny rabbit has appeared. He or she eats dandelions

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Fred; I was wondering where you’d gotten off to…glad to hear something at last. Still avoiding F-ceBook myself but good to know your gardening [and ravenous rabbit?] flourish!


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