So, wetness…

only getting out between downpours, which gives an inaccurate impression as to


how things really were, as they really were really wet.  Fortunately it was sunny first thing on many mornings, so we could at least get the dogs out,


even if most days remained interior

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…with brief forays for occasional supplies without the ’45, which remained under wraps,



as the storms passed through and through, sending lots of flotsam down.

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…laundry, groceries, packing, loading.  A last bike and wondering if the now gloating multitudes spent the last eight years feeling the same visceral revulsion as I do now whenever their Chosen One materializes blathering bullshit on National Media.  Probably; after all, given the demographic, nothing could have been more offensive than a calm, rational, articulate…Negro…telling them what’s good for them. Even, or especially, if it would have been.


So I left; over the hill, moved by Jerry Brown’s State of the State/Disaster of the Union speech


while overtaking several convoys of military tractor-trailer rigs moving containers east.  Very curious; is the Great Leader seeking to preemptively demilitarize California before it’s too late?



Stopped in Reno to see the very grand house Lee Saloutos has been building in the foothills

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and back onto 80; convoys deadheading west, a ’70 Challenger going east, gas in Fernley where as the Military were pulling out I turned north…


Wadsworth, Nixon…




a belated lunch between Winnemucca Lake and the San Emidio, then



Gerlach, the muddy Smoke Creek Road and 3:30 to the gate in plenty of daylight for unloading.



Our ponds were strangely full but no water from our wells, oh well,




but the sun’s still pink, and all is bright.  Or still. Or something.





9 thoughts on “So, wetness…

  1. Kirk Moore

    What, no rain photos? No thunderstorms, floods, torrential downpours? Get out there, it’s only wetness! OK….. you do have flotsam and large puddle depictions and those aerial compositions of circles and dog part are compelling. It’s good to see you’ve successfully crossed the snowy Sierra to the snowy desert (brrr!)…too bad about no well.

    The big news, of course, are the mobilizations. The troubling convoys you saw (heading east to fortify the White House against democracy or simply draining armaments from California?) and the hopeful (and YUGE) democratic marches across the land. On your advice, I listened to the Governor’s State of the State address and am heartened by his courage and pledge of perseverance in defending basic American principles.
    EVERYONE should give it a listen (the speech starts at 20:30, but 2 introductions are worth hearing as well at 14:45).
    Kudos to Jerry Brown for speaking out in favor of immigrants, healthcare, renewable energy/science, facts of truth and civility!

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      I also heartily recommend witnessing the truly historic and wonderfully [-“that’s it!’ -] understated swearing- in of Xavier Becerra from 7:35 – 9:13.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Strange now, but those migrating waters used to be commonplace [migratory as the wind can blow them thirty miles down the desert [if they’re not frozen] in a matter of hours. Or back].


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