Jingo bells, jingo bells, jingo all the way [down].

A week later, with Trump Triumphant riding into D.C. on his Elephant of Convenience in what is popularly seen as an extremely hostile takeover [and possibly permanent disruption but Hey, Silicon Valley Guys, “disruption’s” great, right?] of America’s admittedly lame political system I skipped the Festivities and celebrated by having my teeth scraped.

In the week preceding we took green but flooded walks despite intermittent rains,






remaining chill,


damp and interior;







the sunny days being all the more photogenic.






Friday, as crater lake deepened on the corner of West Second and “G”,


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and Lee’s Nevada house took a snow day [off, looked like] I did my best to miss the unrelentingly depressing celebrations.


We had dark skies and squalls all that dismal day…

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while bits of the New Propaganda seeped in despite; ABC sent their local news anchor to Patriotic Washington for the Festivities, and with a purple [!] tie he’s already beginning to sport a Trumpish mullet in imitation of the poo-bah-in-chief whose own ‘look’ has always been a poor imitation of network news anchor dweebs everywhere…at least they have more of a chance at approximating the appearance of the current Sheep Dip than they could ever the previous Dignity, but none of this is any kind of laughing matter.

Cockroach! [as a verb = dive for the cracks, harass and resist!]





8 thoughts on “Jingo bells, jingo bells, jingo all the way [down].

  1. Paul Fuge

    Well at least the WhiterHouse website no longer sports pesky info about global warming, which I read has been replaced by plugs for Melania’s jewelry line. We have come a long way baby. A hard rain’s gonna fall.

  2. Fred Kolo

    I wish I had been having my teeth scraped yesterday. Saw more than I could stand. The only oddly bright light for me was the sheer boredom of young Barron Trump (hilariously computer-transcribe as “Barren” on at least one source) which didn’t take over his curiosity. This may be the one who doesn’t join the family business. His mother, on the other hand, in her powder blue designer shroud, seemed to be constantly going through a catalogue in her mind of every nude photo session she ever did and wondering which one was about to rear up its curvaceous head. “Hostile take-over?” I’ll say!

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Glad to see you’re up and about…observing history for the taking. We been took, that’s for sure…

  3. Fred Kolo

    Final comment on the “festivities”:
    This did not look like the trappings of an egalitarian democracy. Wasn’t that the idea way back then?
    I guess lost in translation a long time ago.

  4. Janet

    The rational part of me, and that is a big part, is really pretty fascinated to see what happens, and that is how I have repressed the horror of it. My stomach actually turned however when I saw the image of him taking the Oath of Office; just unbelievably shocking and humiliating that after
    Nixon, Reagan and GWB we could sink even lower and less qualified….yet as you say “triumphant!”.


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