Will my 4G LTE cause vomiting, diarrhea, uncontrollable itching, restless leg syndrome or a tendency to gamble? What about gambol? Heart attack, suicidal tendencies and rashes in places whose names we not dare speak? A multifarious miasma of automotive misdiagnoses for weeks on end? A disinclination to take pictures for several days running?
Well of course not taking ANY pictures somehow seldom happens;
Tuesday of last week brought yet another [mis] diagnosis of the Tundra’s problems, but also another peninsular foray for the gala inauguration of the Rumsey Map Center at Stanford
wherein we observed the new McMurtry Building to be fashioned from some very fine materials although both the Anderson and the Cantor were closed.
No matter; we were really only there for the celebratory opening reception within the Green Library;
Next day crazy rounds of errands in the little truck…
Thursday to OMCA in the still ill-repaired Tundra, where all things non-automotive went perfectly…
Friday back to Vallejo hoping for redemption…
but nothing until day’s end when word is it’s supposedly all good save for “tire noise”,
…leaving the weekend to wonder what this “tire noise” might be.
Fortunately Sunday provided us with the distraction of the bright ‘n’ shiny;
Monday, after saving our mailman from descending into a life of crime by suggesting to him there might just be another [large, tempting] package of mine in the back of his truck,
…Vallejo called me over for a test drive which, third try, seemed to check out, tire noise being minimal .
It could have been worse, but hopefully won’t be; into the sunset and subsequently
…on to the West that lies to the east…
So relieved………. 🙂
being a foreigner I don’t get the 4G LTE abbreviation significance
As seen on TV; I have no idea what it means either, but the contraindications are ubiquitous across the Networks.