Morning at the Oasis…

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..and more life and foliage; the Fernley Globe Willow, grown from a stick to a sheltering summer room in a mere fifteen years [now a memorial tree as all the Fernley willows perished in a polluted flood some years after];

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Two views east…

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And a trip to towns – Cedarville;


Alturas; the Bob Wahr Blazer…

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Cedarville again and Louie’s [overly] great expectations; Lake City with our friends’ interesting Chevrolet array…

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Then the road home…and going to the dogs…ever’ night…

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la vie continues, green and so, on…

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Morning views northwestish…





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After the chairs, a train pulling around Phil Siding across the desert [east]…


and so, on…





2 thoughts on “Morning at the Oasis…

  1. Janet

    Love the shadows in the first photo of the willows…the area is looking a lot greener than along 101 in California! Lots of dead trees along the Salinas River around Kind City and south.
    Is Alturas like Havana with the old cars and trucks?


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