Saturday, Denver, 10:19 a.m.

I drove in mostly heavy mostly eighty mile an hour traffic to the Vitamin Cottage in Pueblo and then to Safeway, after which Linda took over, we eating the remains of her OG avocado toast on the way to the freeway.  Fueling up in Colorado City we finished off last night’s noodles and made it home to the dogs and Amanda’s partner Candice by about 3:30. As I unloaded and put away food L. and C.  schmoozed and once she drove off [Cosmos in particular loathe to let her go] collapsed a bit to sounds of thunder and small splats of rain presaging a night of spectacular electrical activity and downpours. We woke to a bright wet Sunday, started the first of three loads of laundry and made it partway up the creek after breakfast, finding no mushrooms but returning to our routines at least until the next afternoon…

then it was down to Mountain Water for Robert’s seventyfifth birthday to see the soon-to-be ‘shop’ where Joan threw a fine party [not in the shop] of [at least to us] unaccustomed sweets

accompanied by her homemade ice cream followed [for us] by a brief period of rest. Soonly however we were away once again for a studio visit and dinner at Bill and Muriel’s

prior to their departure for San Francisco, bedazzled by Bill’s latest painting.

The next day, filling water, we made it up the creek again and then despaired over the week’s haul of avocados from Pueblo…hoping some will be better we watched a debate Tuesday night

after which the flimflam man claimed he’d won in a landslide, his evidence being not only the vice president’s incredulous expressions at his every egregious incoherence [AKA secret code to his adoring adherents] but also the fact that she – loser! – asked for a rematch.  Certainly his most dubious claims served, as ever, to stratospherically buoy his credibility among the maggots…and send them off threatening and bombing allegedly dog-devouring immigrants in JayDee’s Ohio. Cretini…

Wednesday eve saw us yet again out the door, this time for a night of pizza, potato soup and

conversation ranging from David Sedaris’ visit to the Pope, Steve Reich’s “Octet”*, the Machiavellian malfeasances of the now closed Marlborough Galleries and more with – yet again! – the ever delightful Joan and Robert at Michael and Nancy’s, far into what we regard

as the Night…nonetheless it was up the creek by day, days in ‘n’ out…

and likewise, albeit briefly, each evening’s meanderings closer to home as shadows lengthen

and fall sends hints. Home…

*Although in truth I might have been confusing it with “Music for a large Ensemble” which I saw performed at the De Young Museum in 1979 or so thanks to the largesse of David M. Rumsey.

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