
After returning from what I was calling the “Duferrena Trip” there was a day off with

dogs digging dustily,

breakfast at the pond before things got really hot

and lunch

at the other pond once they did.

Friday was a day of visitors from Reno –

Bill Fox and Sara Frantz from the Nevada Museum of Art

and Parker Stremmel from Stremmel Galleries, all good friends.

Parker went off with some small sculptures of Linda’s and five old paintings of mine

and the next day was all packing [not shown] with some last looks around…

Sunday, early to rise…

but not ahead of the Pregnant Lizard; farewell, momma.

Next up; Migration.


6 thoughts on “Lastly…

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Actually it was only only mid to high nineties…and while Linda was in Hawaii pretty comfortable; much hotter in California [and, once we’d left, a run of triple digits up on the desert that’s continuing for more than ten days]. Here [having arrived in Colorado] it’s actually a bit chilly, though Pueblo where we shop was in the low hundreds yesterday.

  1. kirk moore

    Congrats on Parker taking some art! And Bill Fox is certainly a fascinating character! Great friends.
    I love the “Black & Dusted” dog shot and all those last looks around Wall Spring; what a paradise!
    How do you repeatedly pack up and continue your trifurcated nomadic lives?….. lots of work!
    It’s certainly a rich life, both creating art from different venues. Keep it going, Bro!


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