Finally up da desert…

Out the door at ten-oh-four, various goodbyes to neighbors on the street and into the beginnings of valley and up the hill Memorial Day Traffic, pausing at Eagle Lakes to let the dogs out; interstate done at Truckee.  After a minimalist lunch along Highway 89,  Sierra Valley [Sierraville, Loyalton], fuel at the junction [Hallelujah] of 70 and 395, off pavement at Doyle trailing a booking Nevada flatbed hauling jerrycans and acetylene who catches a slow Idaho Dakota and doesn’t pass, but I do; the ‘ho flipping me off; what, we all supposed to eat 30 mph dirt? Sure, dude…

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Rain at Sand Pass [it rained just before Donner, too], dogs out again at the sad remains of Bonham Ranch, then up the desert and in the gate, trying for gentle unloading at 3:30…

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Around four Linda shows up, just in time to help pull out the heavy stuff using the towstrap and a tree…we get it all in, mostly unpacked, and are over to Planet X for pre-sale paella [a worthy and hilarious event] by seven, sort of all in ourselves…


Saturday the back and electricity were both out but so was the sun; we gave an afternoon tour of the sculptural park and, forever chasing rainbows, slowly eased into the life…

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Sunday; sun, owls, and a brother-in-law, wandering the Wasteland in search of electrical outlets at day’s end…or Monday morning, anyway;

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Monday presented dusty streams of Memorial Day Recreationalists heading down the dirt, local objects and  the usual light shows at the end…

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More of the same, to come..most likely soon.







7 thoughts on “Finally up da desert…

  1. nancy haynes

    michael –
    I hope in this lifetime I/we will
    be able to visit – the photographs
    are extraordinary – it was so
    good to hear your voice and
    while I am sure we will “find
    someone to talk to” I so look
    forward to spending a bit of
    time together in the huerfano.
    the owl – wonderful
    love, nance (xoxo to linda-la as well)

  2. Kirk Moore

    I’ve seen those afternoon light shows….they’re wonderful. You caught some really nice ones and I’m sure there will be more coming. Keep recording/sharing them….I love being there vicariously.

  3. Chris B.

    Michael, your photos are my kind of photos! In fact, those formative years which included having the opportunity to visit and hang with you and Linda on Guerrero St. as well as living with some of your art, probably had a hand in how I’ve learned to see. And with my own snapshots, I see so much of what I aim for in the images you take. Now, if only we made it to the desert and high countries as often… I love how you so beautifully capture those realms, and the journeys to them.
    More of the same? It’s the next best thing to having you and Linda (and the dogs) nearby. Keep ’em coming!
    Love to all of you from both of us–

  4. Jennifer Culp

    Michael – Great to see all of this…this set of photographs finally inspired me to comment. This is a much needed world and space – at least to those that are in the know. ( like that owl!) As my favorite fortune cookie wisdom said ” If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn’t” I hope that someday you put all of these photos together in some physical form (Yes, I still love real books). Thanks and I miss both of you! JC


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