December continued a bit too o-cast to dry laundry though the camera, perpetually optimistic,
rendered even the greyest mornings bluish so it’s hard to gauge plus whenever
the sun shone one tended to take way more pictures anyway. Various tasks
[not, given the Mud, to include burning] were tended to though the most religiously attended
were the daily watercolors and semi-demented Mending of Pants [not shown] while watching
paint dry. As the week went on abstract illusionism prevailed, more pictures were attempted,
the studio, though chill, was looked in on and frozen morning or muddy afternoon
tours of the sculpture park, where a variety of Fleming sculptures are parked, were effected.
By Friday the sun had migrated sufficiently south to illuminate the bedroom which was
also the morning a substantial high moved in ahead of Chris Mahannah effectively
shutting down the artesians he’d come so far to measure though weirdly enough three hours
after he left both were flowing again. Oh well, time for another tour around the wet earth to
inspect the burnpile and check in on Storm Queen.
“Grey Matter”,
“Galileo’s Telescope” with “Insinuation” in the background,
and the Inkies…into the sunset.
Another frosty morning ended again in
flat late light, dogs [see them? One, anyway…] running wild – and wilder – into more sunsets;
Wall Spring, Nevada Desert, December, 2020.
Wow gorgeous wow
A question just occurred to me: when you travel between Benicia and Wall Spring, where do the dogs ride? Is you Tacoma a crew cab?
The opening photo of tire tracks in snow is marvelous, but then they all are.
I have to agree with Sibyl and Fred: great photos! It’s great being virtually “out there” thru your lens, especially in the low angle winter light. Are you still using a Lumix?
Opening shot of driveway tire tracks is terrific and the abstract illusionism of L’s sculpture is downright bewildering; really!? Or somehow faked… so difficult to decipher these days.
New watercolors have wild skies, I like. And portraits of L’s works, especially Fumerole, are very nice.
Inkies and sunsets too…all good….gotta love this blog.
Fond of “WagAlike” and “OneTail” photos and enjoyed new shots of all-time favorite views and sculptures. It’s a sunny 62° here—good day for a masked walk by the sea. I’ll be officially retired on 12/31/20…
Il Mostro!!
You are an absolute inspiration.
We are grateful.