does “No More Bullshit – Trump 2020” really mean? If some loyal Trumpazoid would explain that to me [in comments, below] I would sincerely appreciate it. Just spell it out, simply, please. I tried looking it up on the web but all they wanted to do was sell me the t-shirt.
Meanwhile of course life in the mountains proceeds, cooler and less apocalyptically
than most anywhere else;
no rampaging electrical storms, no horrific fires in their wake and
although smoke from fires some unknown elsewhere drift through the view
problems are few. Any problems in fact are outweighed by summer’s bounty of Paonia
peaches and corn, delivered by our intrepid neighbor Leon [not shown]. Tiny [older] paintings;
The creek, though dry, remains a constant of the morning constitutional
with squirrelly entertainment for dogs.
To further appreciate all this good fortune we made an early morning run to Pueblo
Toyota, sat outside while the Tacoma was serviced and the rats’ nests were removed from its
ducting, all in time for L. to settle in for 2 1/2 hours of discomfiting dentistry while I
made several stops around town for
large puppy food, aging humans food + wine, fuel for the vehicle, a long hot wait outside
“Family Smiles”, takeout from Gagliano’s and back
to the Huerfano to cautiously
partake of seafood ravioli in the coolness and occasional splats of precip of the porch.
L. looked for where this smoke we get was coming from but, noticing the “Poodle Fire”, found a blaze in the Buffalo Hills right above Wall Spring,* fortunately being sent away from us [and not long after “contained”] by SW winds… Not so the Loyalton fire nor the multitudinous blazes that erupted as unprecedented electrical storms moved up the California coast, taxing resources beyond their limits.
Throughout the week the Democrats virtually soldiered on, virtually nominating their presidential and vice presidential candidates; only thing I might say to them just now is to junk whatever jingoistic jingles they’re considering – no offense, Bruce, but we really need Leonard for this; “Democracy [is Comin’ to the USA]”, 1992. We can only hope…at long last.
*Also, WHY is there a Poodle mountain in the Buffalo Hills and WHY are those “hills”, ever devoid of buffalo, named for them anyway? Google was no more help with those questions than it was with “no more bullshit”.
nice big squirrel
Could be just a tiny tree, tho…
From a Trump supporter, which I am decidedly NOT I would surmise “stop the bs -Trump 2020” means avert your eyes from Rushin interference in elections, divert yer eyes from tax and insurance and every other sort of fraud by the merry band of Trumpeters (case in point: Bannon, as well as Trump himself and spawn). Nevah expect to see Trumpian tax returns and as for everyone who doesn’t believe FOX (those moderates!) and OANN and QANON just lock them up!
I was thinking it merely meant that anything left of Fox [and anything truthful or informative on Fox] would, by presidential fiat, just be disallowed. As promised; I’m still waiting to hear if that’s the implication or not…
Wait, wait, you have a handgun hanging on your wall? Very impressive if you do, very Field’s Station. And it’s 113 (presumably in the sun) in Pueblo?
113 in the PetSmart parking lot in Pueblo around 11:30, 103 driving around…and the handgun is a replica Luz made in ceramics class at the Urban School many years ago…quite urban, no?
Thanks for the very apt Leonard. I don’t visit him nearly often enough.