We kept going up the creek, leaves looking green, ground looking brown and although
occasionally tantalizing clouds would wander over,
overcasting and spitting a drop or two
which eventually brought the valley three inches to our three…drops,
leaving us pretty much dry.
Seldom seen son Bryan, enroute from North Carolina to Washington with stops here and in
San Francisco, arrived, treating the girls while the big black scaredy-dog barked and hid
unless outside. Four days of short [for BLM**] walks, long [for us] talks and
spatially distanced meals ensued. We made it to the Lone Pine, first time in over a year,
noted utilities projects in progress along the way,
virtually visited with Vancouver,
went twice up the creek
and once into the Yellow Zone below the house.
After Tuesday’s final Ascent to the Pine
and a last lunch of quesadillas [not shown]
Bryan made it to Grand Junction by the time we took our afternoon walk, on his Way West.
*Pretty much the same too-much-to-list in the world beyond, too; a Good Christian Congressman*** insulted a Female Colleague**** on the steps of the Capitol, Federal Government overreach continued reaching beyond all reasonable boundaries, whether restricting the honest disclosure of a major health disaster [remember the pandemic?], unmarked vans filled with unmarked goons snatching civil rights protesters [remember systemic police racism?] off the streets of any city offensive to The President without Precedent or…or…or…
Some people refuse to believe in black helicopters, some disbelieve any Covid they can’t see or unmarked vans until they get picked up…though for me last two are mere hearsay [having heard people I know say la Corona killed their relatives and only read about the other] I continue to believe all three exist but I. Just. Won’t…go on about all this shit. I certainly wouldn’t want to offend the alleged 40% of this great country for whom trickle-down sociopathy is the not exactly ‘new’ normal, no.
**[Bryan Larameé Moore, not to be confused with the Bureau of Land Management nor Black Lives Matter]
***THAT’s what I love about the South…the way they always raise their good Christian Boys to be so genteel and articulate.
****One can definitively say that Ms. Ocasio-Cortez most subtly reamed Representative Yoho a “whole new a-hole”, and no matter that the Florid A-hole is too much of an idiot to realize it. We are, however, more than happy to adopt a new disparagement, as in “What a Yoho!”.
Libre Life looks quite like-able in these strange times of Yoho pandemics, COVID deniers and secret police. You have chosen wisely to shelter in the Colorado wild lands and if you can just score more than a few raindrops your summer views of 2020 will be fortuitously clear.
Meanwhile, we look forward to hosting the BLM here, tonight!!
The rains have come to us, somewhat, and I hope your BLM visit went well…onwards [and give that shoulder some rest!
Starngly, everytime I read “Pretty much the same after Pueblo*”, I think of the spyship USS Pueblo, not the harmless Colorado city. I keep thinking that we live in a wierd time but, really, it is wierd times all the way down.
But, hey, BLM looks great. he Military is agreeing with him. What rank is he now?
BTW, en re AOC and Yoho, Yoho’s church just kicked him out saying it is “an action that reaffirms our commitment to coming alongside women and people of color, nationally and globally, as they continue to lead us to a more racially inclusive and equitable world.” Maybe we really are seeing change.
Hopefully Pueblo, the city, will remain relatively harmless [I wish it felt safe enough for Jorge’s burritos but with Gagliano’s Deli around the corner only doing pre-ordered curbside service we’ll continue to err on the side of caution throughout the foreseeable]. Also, if you were around here you’d never confuse the two; Pueblo the town is locally [except among the maskless Texans who come through to infect us] pronounced “Pee-ebb-a-lo”. Dunno why.
As for Bryan, he’s in it for the long haul; moving to Fort Lewis so he can qualify for platoon sergeant. He had some interesting tales this time around. There were two about mercenaries [er…”contractors”?] that I liked particularly. One was concerned his most recent posting where, based out of Bagram, all the peripheral security and the gates were run by Nigerians. Who were, he said, quite motivated and lived on base in their own compound.
Even more exceptional was years ago, when on his last tour with the 82nd their forward base in Kandahar Province was shared with mercenaries; the gate was a collaborative effort but the towers were manned by the “contractors”. Their commander was an ex-special forces dude, heavily tattooed, from Temecula [according to BLM he would only return home for the minimum amount of time required to remain in country] who would adopt native garb and bomb into Kandahar city in a beat-up Hi-lux with his bodyguard/interpreter with weapons stashed between their legs, whether for R&R or recon was ever unclear…
He also went on at some length about renaming bases; apparently there had been a lot of “discussion” around Fort Bragg, named, according to Bryan, for a “traitor” who wasn’t even very competent as a Confederate general. He made the point that there were plenty of alternatives, soldiers who’d died in action [it’s the headquarters of the 82nd Airborne after all] and not in the defense of a slave-based economic system. Trump will have have none of that, however…gotta pander to the Rebel Base.
[BTW, en re AOC and Yoho, Yoho’s church just kicked him out saying it is “an action that reaffirms our commitment to coming alongside women and people of color, nationally and globally, as they continue to lead us to a more racially inclusive and equitable world.” Maybe we really are seeing change.]
Hopefully we ARE seeing change; the language is all there but, being ever cynical about organized religion, I might venture they’re just scrambling to cover their asses… I do think “Yoho” should become a derogatory verb, but we’ll see.
Be well, stay quiet…keep posting those thoughts.
The leisurely stream of images through your surroundings matches the way I have been drifting through my days and surroundings. Mine are also dry, except for the beach. Loved the ink blot and dog (blot).