as the battle lines continue to be redefined in a land where denigration of education* has been endemic fifty + years and counting we hide ourselves between the cracks and keep counting.
One can never anticipate how exhausting attempts to walk up Dry Creek in a dry year may be
but we kept going a little further day by day while wondering,
in our wandering, what water the Creek might still contain…
[There’s always dinner, too]
not much; so far in fact none save a seepage of mud at the spring [not shown].
Dry here…no rain and nineties for days and days of wind.
In one afternoons’ heat we visited the old sweat lodge site, now near new well #2, returned by
way of Christine’s adobes left when she left for Canada a year ago…most fortuitously, given all
that’s happened since. People, us people, sheltering in place, uneasily contemplated a trip
into the World; first to Gardner’s mobile P.O., then up to Pueblo, red-leaning but sufficiently sobered by early “facts on the ground” that most citizens were distancing and masking despite
the heat, which made us light-headed and was considerable even after rain squalls
dropped the temps toward the high nineties by late afternoon…we nonetheless made it home
with seafood ravioli from Gagliano’s to, next day, struggle up beyond
the decaying skunk remains the dogs love a “leetle too much” to dryness of creek.
Campsite picture by Bryan L. Moore, location unknown [I just like it though] while here [still in the nineties] some dogs attempt camouflage, some are reminiscent of
the companion animal in “The Arrival”and some
are laid out apparently dead from the heat, which continued unseasonably
and is not predicted to let up anytime soon. Nothing like Tucson or Phoenix, but
for lightheaded old people…
In all this we may have forgotten there might still be domestic issues at issue here but I keep remembering the PAR***proclaiming to a native American woman [as his accomplice was incompetently attempting to tar over the “Black Lives Matter” painted on the street in front of the Martinez City Hall] that racism does not exist in America and she’d better “learn American history” because the Emancipation Proclamation proved it. All this less than ten miles from Vallejo, a place he in his natty red Trump 2020 T-shirt had obviously never heard of. I gotta get me some of those Trump 2020 signs though; a pair would work REAL good; “Trump Trump 2020”. Oh yeah…
*if the Great Leader has his way educational institutions that deviate in any perceptible way from his received agenda will soon be struggling without their tax exempt status, which could matter not at all if he manages to sufficiently annoy the Chinese. I for one am not sure the GBC (Great Blowhard Chickenshit) is at all ready for the cyberattacks on the electrical grids and communications networks that would most likely precede any mobilization of their lean mean 21st century military against our bloated 20th century one** if his insults to all concerned continue to escalate, but what do I know? At least as a “wartime president“ he’ll be assured**** of another term, but as for the real and intended winner of any beef he picks with China…
Hmmm...”That’s my boy “
** A military that may have prevailed in a few battles but haven’t won a “war” in close to seventy-five years…
***Patriotic American Racist; the folks that think the denigration of “Racist” is a left wing plot to discredit True Patriots, and a party in its own right, you betcha.
****for assurances, really, you can’t do much better than choosing [Who Chose? Don’t f-ng ask] a septuagenarian opponent with zero charisma and enough baggage to sink a battleship but just to keep things fair and balanced it’s best to have decades of gerrymandering, Kim Kardashian, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg on your side…chickenshits can’t be too careful.
Hiding…”ourselves between the cracks and keep counting” sounds about right, and in this edition the land itself seems to be doing just that. And we have learned for certain that the fabled Confucian curse, “May you live in interesting times” is indeed just that. Hang in and hang on.
Felt the heat after looking at these images…..Aggie huddling in the shade. Still it looks beautiful, even dry.
from the ancient mariner
“water, water everywhere
but not a drop to drink”
In our case, however, water water nowhere except in a couple of puddles up the creek…