Finalmente…trifecta time!

Saturday came which, sans car, was blissfully lacking in a trip anywhere so

the dogs and I went up the creek instead…

and hung around the home place until Linda’s return that evening.

Semi-sacrificially Sunday

it was Partaay [!] at Leon’s,..not so bad, really, but exhausting for L. in the wake of all her travels. Hearing Brent’s unexpurgated obituary as well as Deep Dope Tales well told during the barbecue brought home to me how disconnected I, late-arriving and seldom partaking, have

always been from that community, really.  And a whole lot else, come to think of it…ah well.

Nevertheless we wander the vast estates

not particularly alienated but eternally unstoned.

Monday was Pueblo and despite having forgotten our extensive list only two [!] items were forgotten, probably partly because it was not so horribly hot.  After Big Bear Liquor we visited

Ashley Hardware, Safeway, the Vitamin Cottage, and PetSmart [yet more Large Puppy Food] before Jorge’s for the usuals, last trip of the fading summer.  Needing to stock up for the long time away in Cali we were devastated to find Gagliano’s out of their famous Pueblo Green Chile sausages; nothing to be done*.  Despite our five hours away back home the puppies had not

screwed up in any way whatever and the bounty included the short-lived but always much-

anticipated late August trifecta; Olathe Corn, Palisades Peaches and Rocky Ford Melons.  You Californians, who can enjoy tasteless “peaches” year round, have no idea…

ditto for the melons and the corn.   Another morning we visited Dean to belatedly introduce

the dogs, who were so impressively well-behaved

they even impressed el Viejo

while up in Denver “Spindrift” took shape…bigger than puppies.  Down here and

more “room-friendly”, a maquette for a proposed chrome corner piece destined for Ms. Fleming’s show in November at Brian Gross came together…how, no one but L. can say.

Further afield and every year less interesting Burning Man’s webcast reinforces my minority

opinion that staying right whereat we’re at and watching paint dry through Labor Day

is infinitely more rewarding than the playa in summer.  Of course, for people lucky enough to need people [and silicosis] it’s probably another story…artfotainment, art as spectacle, semi-nude bicycling…all the ants were, my friends, blowin’ in the wind.

On the other hand, here above the valley

with creatures great

and small,

we be content.

Even Gardner…

can seem kind of attractive, eh?  Let alone the Dry Creek drainage

with dogs.

más anon…

* until Mike and Nance came to our rescue and picked up five freshly made packages later in the week.




11 thoughts on “Finalmente…trifecta time!

  1. Janet Whitchurch

    I too look forward to the show, and loved the “trailer”…..can hardly wait to see the piece itself. Seems like the two new puppies and Aggie have formed a group, with the latter seeming more relaxed. Could just be reading things into the images…..which as usual were beautiful. There is a farm that sell in season peaches and nectarines at our Monterey Farmer’s market, and I know the difference!

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      The puppies seem to be the ones Aggie has been waiting for. She not only tolerates but enjoys them…as a friend, not a playmate [they play rough and currently weigh in at 31 and 39 pounds to her 34]. You’re right, I’m sure, about the farmers’ market fruits in season, which we of course miss, though here for these few weeks peaches, melons and wonderful corn [is there still corn from Carmel Valley? I remember that from my childhood…] abound.

  2. kirk moore

    So, you’re sayin’ all California peaches are fake peaches?
    I agree the majority are, but surely there must be some real ones, somewhere in the state!
    But finding the perfect trifecta in Cali may well be impossible.
    Previews of L’s new pieces look terrific! Will “Spindrift” be at Brian Gross?
    The mysterious maquette (on glass? or plexi?) is most intriguing… looking forward to seeing it in chrome! What are the dates and opening?
    All else at the colorado puppy commune looks quite nice and far more healthy than silicosis at BM.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Janet [comment, below] seems to have some pointers about peaches…as for “Spindrift”, it wouldn’t fit into Brian’s gallery even if it wasn’t destined for installation sometime before the end of the year at Mark Zuckerberg’s VR campus, which he is renting from the Chinese at Burlingame Point. The Mysterious Maquette is paint on mirror stainless; the chrome corner piece that resultswill be on view at Brian Gross from 9 November to year’s end…

  3. Oliver Sudden

    …just (kinda) noticing the vivid tonal contrast between your pix and the ones from the burning earth festival…

    (no judgements)

    + +

    “Love your peaches, honey, wanna shake your tree”

  4. Fred Kolo

    I knew from the interior shot precisely the van I was going to see, and I seem to have anticipated the color as well. The puppies continue to charm, and the Renoir with peaches, corn and cantaloupe looks, well, good enough to eat! Also the contrail that looks like a piece of string across the sky is special. The blog continues as a very welcome visitor to my home and computer.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      I still have a print of the picture he took of my scarred bare feet which ran as a cover called “End of Summer” or some such in the 1950’s…they played around a lot, I think.


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