Trainbows, not to be confused with some [or any] sunsets…

[sunsets to be sold, subsequently, separately][maybe]


Trains [look closely];

Rainbows, otra vez;

more trains;

This all from Wall Spring, of course, before the Spring Fire and before we lost the internet to it, which is now cobbled back.

7 thoughts on “Trainbows, not to be confused with some [or any] sunsets…

  1. Janet

    Oh my, just one after another, so striking and beautiful all that shifting light? It is a primo view!!!!

  2. Kirk Moore

    Glad you are still at Libre and did not get “burned out”! The trainbows from Wall are all terrific, will we soon see some “smokesets” of the Spring Fire?

  3. Fred K

    On a very still day or evening can you HEAR the trainbows? I have the feeling that you can. Rainbows of course often sound like rain, hence. . . .?

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Exactly…actually when the air is right [more often but not always at low temperatures] one can hear the clacks of the trucks on the tracks…and the diesels’ horns as they round the corner at Phil Siding across the desert. Not always, but sometimes.

  4. Fred K

    Cool. Somehow it looks like it would be like that. Perhaps my own early experience of some similar spaces.
    Ironically on Long Island I can hear the train, just twice a day except more often in the summer, except that I can’t hear it in the summer. Leaves, no doubt. When I do hear it there is something so comforting about the sound. The evening train passes through about 11, so there is not a whole lot of competition from automobiles and ambulances. When the surf is up I can hear it through my windows in the opposite direction from the trains. The surf always sounds closer than it is (about a mile) and the train, which is probably 500 yards, sounds very far away.


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