The News is Horrible…and not even new.

The other thing about it is it seems increasingly concerned with gruesome irrelevancies, like the euthanasia of a Menlo Park primate or Strident Student Strikers on the Streets of Oakland as opposed to say, Syria, the Ukraine, Putin and Trump…whatever happened to all THAT, hmmm? Well we still get Trump in all his gruesome irrelevance.

But Sunday morning

our news consisted of beneficent Facetime with Brooklyn


so not a bad deal at all…and then, 2″ being the perfect chop for a ’50,

a nice hour around and near the water…

for the Benicia Band’s Annual Benefit Car Show [some seen previously]

as aforesaid and back

up First.

Where the warmth continued in the industrial wine-and-barbecue zone…

and mornings

until Tuesday when, following a lengthy sojourn scraping photos off the desktop

and hot weather along the water,

the flatbed finally pulled in from San Francisco with the remnants of Linda’s show

needing placement to bring that chapter to a close, followed by yet another day around the bay

and another mild evening in the industrial wine and etc…

Next up; an even more significant chapter ends…



3 thoughts on “The News is Horrible…and not even new.

  1. Kirk Moore

    L’s Aerious show at Brian Gross was terrific, are those pieces destined for the desert repository?
    Your shots around town are always entertaining and the industrial wine and bbq zone is unique. I hope you didn’t have to evacuate from the refinery farts!
    Ah, the end of another big chapter…life is always changing. Do tell how that will affect Hits and Missives; more traveling perhaps? Live facetimes (rather than virtual) back East?
    We do need to keep the transitory nature of things in mind; especially with the current Demockery in office….they too, shall pass. Let’s just hope they won’t leave too much devastation behind (unchecked greed is messy).
    Meanwhile, keep the hits coming.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Newly paved and painted street; I have no idea why that was “22”…a ‘catch’ perhaps?


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