3,870′, Wall Spring;
early Friday morning and CR33…
after Empire a snowy 447, briefly…
7,239′, Donner Summit;
down the other side was a reminder of why Friday’s such a suck day to cross the Valley
but made it anyway to the damp by the bay.
39′, 120 West H Street, Benicia;
After a 28th anniversary celebration of Thai food Saturday and friends bringing a pear and chocolate panettone with a bit more wine than I’d become accustomed to on Sunday it was
Vallejo the next day to have the Tundra hosed down, still finding, even after a lifetime spent
mostly hereabouts, something disconcerting about so much green coming up so soon after
New Year’s even if the mornings promised rains…somewhere
but rarely here.
Further to the east abruptly segued into avalanche season, vicariously experienced by
implication thanks to Caltrans’ cameras, ever a winter obsession here, 39′ above sea level [tides depending].