Monthly Archives: December 2019

rain reigns

Benicia the morning after Vancouver, morning before the day of our quiet ducky Thanksgiving

[thanks, duck], rained.  With dogs rampant no morning photos ever, only occasional afternoons

with mostly moody low clouds and glassy grey waters.  Intermittent bike rides and

endless petty errands on all fronts led up to gathering, packing, loading and eventual departure

all the while weathering the depression of pollution; crap like this didn’t used to pile up

on everything in the studio, the house, the everywhere.  These below are just puppies opening doors by trial and error but the schmutz on the drawing above is new since the fall fires.

Where it keeps coming from at this late date no one knows but it can’t be good for anybody…

After our last holiday socializing was deterred due to Saturday’s storm we shut down

and went off to the West…hoping nothing’s been forgotten.