Monthly Archives: June 2019

All around the things…

The ponds, anyway.  Which became vaguely possible once we stopped getting soaked which by the weekend we fairly well weren’t, though circumnavigating was by then more than a little

obstructed by insanely exuberant grasses and explosions of Life both


and ‘phibian.

Grasses, exuberating;

glories, reversing;

days brilliant throughout

and winds, blowing

covers off sculptures, made it all painfully clear

until temperatures dropped twenty degrees

from one day to the next, oh well.  It stayed clear, though.

Other things happened, of course, like Our Great Leader taking a taxpayer-funded family golfing vacation at his very own Irish Golf Course, then calling off the latest in an ongoing series of trade wars, the one with Mexico, as only He, who initiates them, can, to the amusement of …some.

Also…oh, well.