B2B [back to Beni’]…

First morning back woke to garbage truck in the alley, a day of mad errands and office work as Castro’s gas powered gardening attempts to beat back the waterless jungle that has become our yard, ending with dinner auditioning food for Linda’s birthday. The papaya salad across the street was promising, but it was all saltily downhill from there. Over wine in the library we come up with another plan…to be explored Friday, when we’re both home.


Waking yet again to the garbage truck [do they come every day now?] to walk the dogs around the block…


…then shelter in place for breakfast as GPG fires up for the second day.  Industrial quantities of drought-resistant plant materials needing removal and a late morning trip up and down First foraging for birthday edibles…


After lunch [sheltered in place again] I help Castro free up space so they can cut the even more insidious vines next door before cycling down to the water;


…and end with a first barbecue in the newly mostly trimmed yard;


Saturday, no garbage truck in the alley but the annual Mostly Appalling Crafts Fair closes down First Street…


Later that afternoon we overtake a couple of vintage Chevys on the way to Shawn’s thirtieth birthday, where we find the US Navy sequestered behind a Comet at the far reaches of the Alameda NAS…

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…and, outside his studio, the legendary Econoline-in-process;


…which persons of all ages enjoy while good food and talk proliferate [not shown; I became too enamored of the kids, the vehicle and the eating to document much else].

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Another way to approach the van question arrives at sunset, followed by candles;

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Happy Birthday, Shawn; it was a great great party!




3 thoughts on “B2B [back to Beni’]…

  1. gregg renfrow

    …re calling William Gibson’s late-middle novels — “Virtual Light”, maybe — with the dystopian edges (temporarily) sanded down…

    Thank you, Michael, for your from-the-field-embedded Summer Reports.


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