honestly, care less about Paris and its Olympic whoop-de-doodling. Maybe the surfing will draw me in if the waves are working at Teahupo’o and I remember to look for it but really I’m more morbidly fixated on Trump’s “beautiful christians” and what they, Opus Dei [of which I’m sure most of them have not an inkling*] and Leonard Leo have in mind for us and Kamala Harris.
“God” didn’t save their Trump from that increasingly bogus-seeming “assassination” just to see his sorry ass get kicked by a black woman, and they are way too close to World Domination to let the minor inconvenience of a landslide election upset to give in…so my admittedly morbid fascination skews more towards “what will they try to pull off in the next ninety days” than Amazing Humans doing Amazing Things.
Up here things blew off, cleared up rather spectacularly in fact, and Monday we again
returned to the ‘burg, this time so Dean could inspect his collection of crates and have some beefy dudes turn over the three upside-down ones which, after a bit of testy-tosteroney macho posturing about how certainly the two of them could do it much more easily than “four artists” [never mind that it was two truck drivers, a guy that usually spends his days moving stacks
of hardwood and a piano player] they reluctantly called in a third party and with considerable huffing and puffing, we heard, slid out the three and rotated them. Dunno how good they woulda been getting all eight off a truck and into the building but, hey…whatever worked.
Home at last, feeling strangely diminished ever since the previous previous Monday’s daylong
stay at the ‘bib, for a little summer meal during the continuing spell of warm indolence and
extreme fatigue…shorter morning walks, everything taking longer to do less. Huh? But despite enervating heat our skies are [mostly] clear and the Stockade Canyon Fire’s pretty much out over in the Buffalo Hills…hopefully. It certainly burned itself into a weird pattern.
Saturday we had a long informative dinner with Libre’s new Treasurer, a lawyer from Albuquerque who brought a great marinated steak for the grill and had many insights into our assets and vulnerabilities here. Plus just a most pleasant evening and chance to become reacquainted with Sean…all while waiting to see whether Kauli Vaast would prevail over
Jack Robinson of Australia at Teahupo’o as day after day of unsuitable waves slopped through…until finally on Monday he brought it home for Oceania [although of course the Colonialists will cart home the gold**, as is always their Burden]. I would have preferred to see Kauli go up against Brazil’s Gabriel Medina had he not gotten skunked in the semi-finals and only had one wave in his heat against Robinson***.
But on the larger stage, the one inhabited by Trump da chump and Jaydee Vance, where simple lies trump [yeah, that verb] complex truths and simple lies loudly and incessantly repeated become nearly impossible to discredit the Trumplican strategists brag they have a “whole bucket [of lies, of course] with which to paint” Kamala Harris…and are pleased to say this will be the dirtiest campaign ever, god bless ’em. One thing they don’t lie about is the havoc and retribution they intend to wreak from day one both at home and abroad, and why so many of my fellow citizens think that’s just fine strikes me as profoundly depressing. Scary, too…very.
*Though really you couldn’t find a nicer group of guys to set up a worldwide theocratic dictatorship, at least based on what they say about themselves. One of which is of course that the last thing on their minds would be to set up any kind of theocratic dictatorship, whatever…
**A clear cast glass replica of the wave itself would probably be more appropriate than a gold medal in this case anyway.
***NBC has a six minute video on the event as it unfolded but given they couldn’t be bothered to figure out how to pronounce the name of the place I decided not to link to it.