Monthly Archives: March 2023

On de desert

contemplating the antics of the formerly Republican, formerly Trumplican, now pissed-off party of Nest-pissing Retributionists* dedicating themselves to excoriating any investors ill-advised

enough to consider how the consequences of their behavior might be dragging us all down together…I mean, c’mon guys, we know who pays your bills [and then some] but it’s still sick.

Nonetheless for the moment here we are having winter, winter unto March…

with morning snows that never make it to noon though while they’re around there isn’t much creaturely evidence; nary bunny nor hare nor even those formerly ubiquitous mice and

birds’ tracks running about gathering seeds. Could it be that all the additional billions of needy “consumers” born since the “Population Bomb” exploded might, despite all the expert continuous insistence that Paul Ehrlich was wrong, have something to do with the predicament

we and our planet find ourselves in after all? What if?

At any rate even for a protracted late winter it’s certainly quiet around here; pretty much

birdless, bugless, critter-less and the time of year [what time of year isn’t out here?] where if you don’t like the weather you can either [a] look out the other window,

[b] wait ten minutes or

[c] freeze while trying walking into driving snow.

Or, um, wait…

although despite the apparent sunshine the windchill’s colder than any still picture might convey and the pictures from over the hill were even more unsettled…or unsettling, if

a person was thinking of going back over. The hill.

Thursday before the sun came up was colder but more walkable than Wednesday’s blizzard and as the recently full moon went down so did we soon after…


*”Ya say ya want a retribution** wel-ell you know, we’d all love to see the plan…like hey, Kev’ ‘n’ Mitch, how about a budget for starters, hey?  Easier to talk destruction, that’s for sure, and definitely more attractive to your gold Escalade class of tax evading sponsors.

**somehow those Beatles lyrics all plug right in after all these years, eh?