Monthly Archives: March 2023

In Benicia

the rain let up enough to assess the damaged Majestic, across the street from the rain

of grapefruits and, thanks to years of egregious neglect, now disintegrating from outside in

under the watery winter of ’23.

Come the weekend a break in the weather brought the cars out

while on the mountain, well, no break in sight but

while the sun shone here we managed a couple of meals in the yard,

spotted Strange Craft navigating the straits Monday morning

and an anomalous bottle in the afternoon before

the weather’s next iteration,

which transitioned from softly drenching

to wildly windy after noon,

calm the next morning

and then

Luz and Izel blew in from Vancouver Town for the week,

a week fortunately predicted to be mostly sunny, at least some of it.