Monthly Archives: February 2022

1200 year drought?

Although it’s probably the least of our worries what with the Trumplicans and the Putineskis you’d think they could find an older dendrochron than that for it…but who cares now that

it’s been scientifically proven that KN95s are 87% effective against the Q-anon virus but that, statistically speaking, 13% of the Q-anon virus is 100% effective? That, that, that…

Besides, there are always interesting Earthly Vehicles to contemplate out in the unrelenting

California Sun as the rest of the world freezes, drowns or renders itself handily irredeemable

…none of which can happen here, seemingly, but

February? You betcha…

Certainly rain can’t, won’t, or doesn’t happen here.

Weather to weather in a ’45 Chev, reflectively, leading up to a full moon, the so-called

“Snow Moon”, just in time for the year of El Tigre on a belated Valentine’s Day dinner at the  

Union and hoping that the lunar will be better than the chaos the Western One has brought.

Cheery and bright, anyways…