Monthly Archives: November 2021

Winter arrives…with dentistry.

Every day, well mostly every day, a person still had to be up and onto the freeways;

Thursday it was over the Carquinez to Seaport Stainless in Richmond and back to unload before

the dentist for as much cleaning as could be accomplished around last month’s surgeries.

I made a point to get out and down to the water afterwards as the next morning had to be back

for “crown prep”; an ongoing saga but again

made a point of getting out after into

the fog and glare;

still there.

There there; at least on the weekend one didn’t go anywhere…just stayed home to patch the

ceilings although it turned out that that’s exactly when the roofers showed up at 8:15 creating

huge dog-terrifying disturbances [oh yeh and they’re still stuck with that trailer next door!] 

which wrapped up about 2:45 with the roof foamed, first coat of paint on and our neighbor

Dean seriously furiously fuming.  He came pounding on the door as I was sorting this to vent

about “overspray” and say he was going to sue…sue them sue us; cars ruined, solar panels [the ones he’d been complaining about not working] ruined, people not speaking English…and slammed back into his house.  Phew. Our contact with the roofers assured us we were no way liable and they’d deal with him, so we relaxed into the Social Event of the Season, thus far; one of those memorable dinners with Mary and Judy made all the more enjoyable by finally having the library back…library back after two weeks of drying the floor while wet tiles warped up

continually. The next day Dean came around around noon considerably more conciliatory, really just needing help from the roofers to clean up who promised us they’d “reach out”…also said they’d send their ‘detailer’ out as despite my rinsing them down our cars, though less impacted than next door’s white Mercedes, were still peppered with granular crud.  Seemed like residual ashes and grit off the roof rather than anything oversprayed but definitely attributable

to the roofing project.  Monday it was definitely suddenly truly Winter on the Straits and I was

back to the dentist as the temporary crown’d come off while I was up the ladder Saturday,

home for a bit of work and lunch, then it [a little TOO temporarily] came off again, so had to make another trip down the street for an affix before loading a few things into the truck, the trip of reading Brian Blomerth’s “Bicycle Day”, setting up the ZS25 Tom’d traded me for a watercolor last week and getting out on the bike myself for a trial run with it

into November’s continuing murk.

Seems the new camera will work out fine, eh? A little less beat than the older [actually a more recent model] one.