to the General Miasma Theory of Transmission I don’t wear a mask while driving around in the car as I fail to see how that could possibly be potentially dangerous but I do try to live cautiously
otherwise. Meanwhile, as older persons blessed with medical coverage, we’d been waiting [and waiting] to find out when our demographic would be eligible for The Vaccine until the CDC*, supposedly just waking up to the fact that the shots weren’t rolling out fast enough, further exacerbated the problem by vastly expanding eligibility to the point where even the wait on the phone to plead for an appointment became five f-ing hours as we were suddenly tossed in with everyone ten years younger in the entire state of California’s already extremely stressed-out health care delivery system**. Turns out, oh yeah, not only was the Government not
providing enough doses, they were also lying about how many they actually had.
Surprise, surprise. On the other hand this unseasonably excellent weather allowed for the unwrapping of the ’45 as it approaches its tenth anniversary here in Benicia, so
that’s, um, something. Unseasonably “excellent” [unless one worries there’s Been No Rain]
weather, blue skies
and when we went to Gaby’s to collect our biweekly paella ‘n’ pizza found he’d boarded up the stained glass windows at the Union. Might have something to do with all those blue United Police States of America flags waving over the shuttered sportsbar four doors down signaling who knows what but “Union” don’t sound much like “Dixie”, do it? And as has become increasingly apparent Symbolism is Everything to the ardent Lost Causers*** for their “revolution”. While other restaurants are doing their best to survive with takeout menus in the windows Rookies’ are plastered with “Recall Gavin Newson” posters…like more chaos will solve our problems. Well, it might work for them, though to what end? I shudder to think. I do take exception that all the miscellaneous militias and mischievous internet lawn ordure malcontents are characterized as “hate” groups, however. They’re more properly “fear” groups, running shit-scared
from fears programmed into them by the not-so-mysterious people behind the Right to Lie Party, currently [perhaps not for long] Party of Trump. On the other hand, never underestimate the determination of a bunch of guys who don’t want their slaves taken away, no matter that that ostensibly happened over a century and a half ago.
Like fear-biting border collies [though not as smart] they stormed into the U.S. Capitol a week ago Wednesday with their sheep and their clowns…fortunately unlike real border collies not only did they lose track of their objectives but lost control of the clowns and the sheep as well. Oh well. But they’ll be back; it definitely makes me want to rush a big donation to my local
chapter of WARWRA**** for their ammunition fund.
On a more uplifting note we will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s Day on Monday with the joyous realization that the current Pastor of his Church***** will soon be in Washington, DC, continuing in the spirit of all good works. Praise the Lord [and pass the ammunition, if appropriate].
Downtown, masks optional whether or not humans are absent,
flirting with record highs, minimal landscapes, breakfasts outdoors…
and down along the straits record-breaking low 70s in January.
We keep our souvenir 20th Century Air under glass, just in case,
as the beat goes on,
refinery air…so fine, so healthful.
[more minimalismo]
Coming out of winter has always made me uneasy and coming out of winter so prematurely
is more disturbing yet. As a result we will be going elsewhere, temporarily, to see if there’s any winter left up on the desert. More from there, safe in houses, in a bit.
*The CDC would be the agency, back in the Bushwhack era, that delayed two months to investigate an anthrax outbreak on our neighbor’s ranch while simultaneously stinking up a storm about some allegedly anthrax-dusted letters in DC. Her cows died and were summarily incinerated; congresspersons, no. The current CDC, handily eviscerated by the recent administration, seems considerably more politicized and less able to do its job than that.
**With heroic persistence on Friday L. got through to Kaiser, prevailed upon a sympathetic human to find a location somewhat near us allegedly in possession of the vax and was able to make two appointments, two weeks out. We be hopeful.
***They do love waving flags around, too, and wrapping themselves in them. Oooh!
****Waste All Right Wing Racist Assholes, soon to be banned from social media for being an organization dedicated to frightening right wing racist assholes.
*****I’ve been a devoted fan ever since watching John Lewis’ Memorial at Ebenezer Baptist last summer, which also most memorably included the Reverend James Lawson.