Monthly Archives: June 2020

Slurpy dogs and blast furnace heat

but even, later, rain…and, as yet another Mere Week unravelled across Trumpworld

[whose address shall until further notice be: “The White House, c/o Black Lives Matter Plaza, Washington, D.C., USA”] in a country where mobilising troops in the streets, riots in the cities, cascading economic crises, an ongoing pandemic killing up to a thousand a day as massive nationwide protests against police brutality and systemic racism are met with increasing police brutality resulting from systemic racism tacitly [and not so tacitly] endorsed by a Great Leader who spent the week refighting the Civil War on the losing side, via Twitter, because, after all, there were good people on both sides – of course there were…it’s just their motives, and each side derides the motivations of the Other – is merely normal.

Here, away from All That [as long as one ignores the Radio], we had warm days, wet dogs,

full moon and…


After the weekend things cooled down, cleared up

and in place of Cowboys with Cranes Willey sent us a crew of Burners with Boomtrucks

who very handily set up not only Linda’s “Crackle” [2013]

but also, after lunch and three loads of gravel suspiciously looking like river rock,

“Fumerole” [2007].   A pair of sculptures with lengthy exhibition histories

in dire need of resurrection

and resurrected they were, though I for one could barely walk afterwards.

“Fumerole” ultimately revealed itself flirtatiously from the driveway while

“Crackle” presented more straightforwardly beside the Repo…

a good, exhausting day.

Speaking of good, exhausting and people on both sides again, by midweek it seemed the World Court was thinking of looking into war crimes possibly perpetrated by both [only two?] sides involved in the recent and ongoing conflict[s] in Afghanistan, immediately eliciting a predictably bellicose response from the Party of Lawn Ordure in the person of Mike Pompous A-hole’s threat to impose sanctions on members of the Court [the International Court of Justice?] while alerting other like-minded asshole nations [do the Fucking Israelis come to mind?] that should the USA [USA!] be liable for censure [or worse] who knows who, Nettin’ Yahoo, could be next? Only if Lawn Ordure fails to continue to triumph over the Rule of Law, but still…good people on both sides, though some lawns, like the one opposite Black Lives Matter Plaza, Washington USA, still seem to me to reek of manure, although apparently for some 40% of America that shit just smells like…Shinola?.