Monthly Archives: July 2017

Grasses, smokes and slow acclimation…

back, but flat…

Back to the mountains, hotter and smokier than this indicates,

in a house built by girls,

with solar-powered food-[and herb]-producing greenhouses just over the hill for our salads as

in Gardner the Saturday farmer’s market is much-diminished [the farmer taking, depending on your point of view, a much deserved or midlife crisis sabbatical] though the Post Office

and El Depot remain, as does, new addition, Mary Ann’s difficult-to-extract-from-cars Kiku;

Also, el estudio,

fossils on the trail.

and Dean, keeping the 4D faith alive in his dome-icile…

Other scenes seen,

snouts intersected…

and after a week we make a first trip to town, Pueblo, a good loyal adherent to fossil fools with

not one but TWO coal-fired generating plants [despite three token windmills conspicuously sited though rarely online next to the Interstate San Isabel continues to penalize rooftop solar heavily, albeit not as effectively as Nevada where the power company had the clout to ram a bill through the legislature so onerous it had suppliers and installers fleeing the state in droves until two years later when, despite massive corporate investments to perpetuate the abomination, the voters sent it down in flames].

But Pueblo; triple digits! 1956!  The cherry duchess of Windsor next door to Loco Liquor…

After our usual lunch at Jorge’s [tacos de camarones; pork and avocado burritos not shown] and a stop at Gaglano’s Sicilian Deli we went home to what remained of

…the day after the Fourth of July.

As an aside, 07 07; Jerry Brown at the G20!  Wotta guy, hey?