Monthly Archives: July 2014

Wall Spring, July heat…last days

By late June things warmed up, and on July second the moths, after an entire month’s infestation, amazingly completely vanished, leaving no explanations, tiny detritus and a slightly rancid remnant smell everywhere.  Glad to see them gone, we were. L. kept claiming her brain was melting, but the winds and lack of humidity made things bearable until, really, the very last when the wind died in the night and we, nearly, with it.

In the heat the walk to the chairs became oppressive but the one to Storm Queen remained viable; herewith Hercules seen across the fast-disappearing upper pond; the view from within Refugium; a detail of Grey Matter.   In the cool before breakfast we’d walk the ponds watching everything in the immediate vicinity of Water becoming increasingly lush…





Aggie located her last sneak, probably one of the several Bull Snakes reputed to have run off the never-seen-again Lone Rattler;


P1000794…studio blinds remained drawn all month, but in the relative comfort of that shaded space a few things seemed done before the end…maybe;

P1000819 Then that sleepless night of the sixth, an early morning walk around the upper pond, last views east and…




P1000846 east to [more of] the West.

P1000847to be continued….