The summer here has been pretty good although to protect the car-chasing dogs we adjusted
our routines to avoid the roads…not entirely possible when going to the library to deposit
a surplus of books, but feasible. Sumi and Cosmos and I nonetheless subsequently snuck across those same two roads
to spend a pleasant time on the hill enjoying a long distance call with brother Kirk in Cali
before, well over a week ago now, we went early to Pueblo
for the usual gourmet [Gag’s, Liz’] and other [Safeway] errands only to be brought up short by
the World’s Most Protracted Dental Hygiene Appointment. That was followed, finally,
by foraging for wines at 80/20, taquizas at Los Girasoles and a last round of shopping across
the parking lot at the Cottage before L. took the wheel to bring us home
[with the usual infrastructure delay out on 69]. Next day, Wednesday, I made it into Gardner
for mail and then we continued our dog [and community]-protective evasive maneuvers,
driving up to the wellhouse for explorations up Dry Creek, which dogs totally love.
Evening walks remained the same;
short, sweet and close to home with all the attendant perks as the moon waxed full.
Another Monday, another trip to ‘burg and back, this one in preparation for “the Mainers”,
Peter and Basha, in from out of state to drop their first-born at Colorado College in the Springs,
who came down here after to decompress with a visit enjoyed by all although Tuesday was
also our day with Desireé, leaving them alone with the dogs who, happily, were fine with them
and the extra walks even more so. The weather cooperated [as it usually does] and following
a long conversational dinner and early walk they set off on the long journey back to their newly
empty Brooklin nest while we went up the creek finding mushrooms for drying and feasting…
all well and good and then there was Thursday, capped off by the Kamala Euphoria. Euphoria indeed though I fear bringing out the best of America will surely bring out the worst the billionaire bozo class has to offer. Although, as their increasingly melted down mascot has said, “we have the votes” [well he also said his ‘beautiful christians” only need to vote just this once] and now that Elon et al are joined by Ratbert Fuckwit Kennedy and his faithful drinkers of THAT Kool-Aid who’s to say what manifestations of the evil that lurks in the hearts of those men in particular will spew forth? Oh dear oh dear.
But hope abides…yes. Work for it for the next six weeks! It all depends on us. Us.