Monthly Archives: March 2023


Up on the hill things still didn’t look so good, but since spring had seemingly finally come

to Benicia we wouldn’t be going anywhere anyway. For awhile it was just local


walks until Saturday when,

after the light went flat,

we ventured into the hill country of Berkeley for tagine, lemon cake and more, all watched

over by an old Duferrena* with a gaggle of Adamses, two Rumseys and the four of us

[the very precocious six year old Agnes Adams keeping Izel well stimulated] after which that flat

light turned way wet,

relented very briefly

and then came drenching back with a vengeance Tuesday

all day and into the night, growing moss and felling trees.

Heard it was way worse in many places…winter all through March [?].

*Spelling corrected from original title but date [1976? 77?] uncertain. At any rate always a treat to see and wonder who the person who did it might have been…then.