Monthly Archives: November 2022

Somethin’ comin’ ev’ry day…

What with trying to assemble lunch and unload with Cindy cleaning, Linda’s work coming in through the front door and looking for somewhere to collapse without freezing all at the same time the Benicia Holiday Season hit the ground running right away after Wednesday’s quivering arrival. The trend continued the next morning with early dogwalkings, teeth cleaning

[with a distressing x-ray predictive of yet more oral surgery], clearing out the Tundra to wash down the bed and, after six month’s away, moving in. Friday began even earlier with a trip to Kaiser for flu shots, Covid shots, pharmacy for antibiotics, then the post office, summer’s grime washed off the Tundra, Big O to correct the tire pressures yet again, dry cleaners* and home

all in time for lunch after which the cleansed truck was re-assembled and re-inhabited prior

to an afternoon tentatively drawing [first time since Libre], a tentative bike ride [first time since May] and later some extremely mediocre Thai food [Mai Thai is in one of their slumps] as neither of us were feeling very great after the inoculations which rendered the night not very

restful either. Saturday brother-in-law Dave came by for an early dinner and demonstration of my sister’s new SUV of the year and its foibles** before he continued on to pick her up at the airport and then to Kirk’s for further south-of-the-[Canadian]-border adventures while for me

adventures remained minimal, and somewhat chilled. Monday dawn it was a visit to Vallejo

for another Adventure in Dentistry, making it home in time for breakfast followed by a trip to

 Alex’s to have the ’45’s oil leak attended to, then later

rode to the water and back up West Second, flexing muscles unused since May.

Tuesday we set up for Early Thanksgiving with Bryan, in for the week to see his mum [and us], taking advantage of the visit to have him unload the truckload of stainless Linda’d brought back

from Richmond the day before [we’d taken advantage of Dave to load outgoing steel into the Taco when he was here as well, steel she took to San Leandro on the way] before the Duck.

…anyway, good visits with the both of them and then

Linda got to work and I

made it as far as the harbor, flexing those unused muscles a bit more.


* Crispy Liberty Duck Wings at Tyler and Michelle’s wedding…duckfat on wool pants, “dryclean only”.

**Just minor things like the inconveniences of charging*** and the idiosyncratic infotainment’s glitches…including but not limited to Navigation.

***Dave, having traveled the country for years in various Teslas and knowing the ins and outs of charging from superchargers to our dryer outlet at Libre, is well-versed in these matters.