goin’ down slow, windy Sunday beginnings
ending with remembering the life of a remarkable friend from long long ago through one of those too-frequent-these-days zoom memorials…Robbie Hutchinson, 1942 – 2020.
Come Monday it was back to the ol’ vehicular shuffle in anticipation of Linda’s steel delivery
which occurred while I was in El Cerrito picking up, now that she’s decided to work exclusively on panels, the last of Eva’s stretchers which should be enough to last me, given the current
glacial pace [well perhaps given the current climate of climate adaptation “glacial” no longer adequately describes a slow enough process] of my painting for the foreseeable and perhaps,
like those 10ply tires, then some.
Low tides, mad winds
and Vallejo Tuesday; later
the shore, breezy, and
the yard, soporifically hot.
On Cinco de Mayo L’s A-team of Shawn and Scott returned for the remainder of the week
and despite an unexpectedly dizzying invasion/interruption that evening which utterly disrupted us [and resulted in the BBQ gas running unattended for two hours and salads sadly
forgotten] Monday’s steel began to take shape,
so much so that
by Friday it had become a Thing, a Thing
we dined beside outside.
So unto Sunday, day of Mothers, which among other things entailed
an enjoyably lengthy lunch with Dana, Brian, celebratory champagne, Linda’s mediterranean lunch and Dana’s Famous Pie*.
Soon afterwards a Facetime call from Vancouver pretty much ended it, for me, anyway.
*The Famous Pie, originally crafted from Available Supplies on Whidby Island thirty years ago, was so legendary [or deadly] it hadn’t been attempted since until Mother’s Day 2021. It consisted of an exquisite crust enclosing pears, apples, figs in dark rum…yum. In combination with the midday champagne probably a factor in seriously doing me in…