Monthly Archives: May 2020

Op’ning up…[a blog belated]

“No spectators, no high fives, no spitting”*…another Covidian week began, more than two

ago [well before “We Have Moved”] with another of those computer-mediated visits from

Vancouver followed by the ongoing semi-sheltering, not very different in distancing from the distances I habitually maintain beyond a little increase in airspace while walking the dogs but

given there are far fewer humans to avoid there’s always plenty of it to go around downtown

whether afternoons or mornings…

Of additional if minimal interest a sea otter, not spotted, was spotted at the end of West E plus

we experienced several atypical Days of Rain [seeming even more unusual now], while in the

interior spaces some last tweaks to the otherwise desultory painting projects, which I retrospectively wish I’d recorded, were attempted preceding a last burrito** while Linda was in Glen Ellen overseeing the install of her Quarantine-Delayed “Planetesimal” before a last takeout from Gaby’s on the eve of Aggie’s 12th birthday, the 15th, unfortunately celebrated with a painful

if inexplicably strained leg Friday morning which necessitated her being airlifted [i.e. carried]

from the waterside up West Second to breakfast, breakfasts at least still quiet…***

There were many time-sucking tumbles down rabbitholes of computer upgrades and

the uneasy uncertainties of prep and packing for A Long Time Away which by Sunday seemed pretty well under control but alas as soon as we settled in for lunch the compressor fired up next door as has become all too usual…

The weekend brought gorgeous weather nonetheless during which,

despite the multiple distractions, I belatedly peeked

over the fence in self-defense to puzzle out what they’ve been building in there

so assiduously, but from the disarray it was hard to say.  Could be a terminal case

of “art therapy”****or something even more suspect.  Whatever it is it’s definitely

time to get ourselves out of town…

Monday, last acts, unusually/fortuitously without lunchtime machinery in accompaniment unto

Tuesday; breezy walk with

a marine crane on the move, dogs [not shown] and

ice-chests packed and loaded…soon to be, elsewhere.

*Gavin Newsom, as seen on TV.

**I despaired, having heard on the radio that very morning of processing plants shutting down across the midwest, of ever seeing a chile verde again, but Nani and Elvia have Special Sources.

***The Neighbors have swung into a daily regimen – from noon until after dark – of whining, whacking and otherwise bashing away with electrified machines [Now with the addition of Skilsaw and Antiquated Compressor!] – rendering any mealtime respite from the ongoing anxieties moot.

****My cursory glance revealed a woebegone travel trailer with its front ripped off sanded down to bare metal; dismembered bicycles of various persuasions; hacked and thwacked wood randomly attached; spray cans as yet to be deployed and much more to fuel this constant daily industriousness of whateverness; evidence of an OC-D’artiste?