Monthly Archives: November 2018

No more Rugby…

It’s taken being back awhile to notice that Benicia’s library rugs are hardly ever displaced

as with no Lefty to provoke the Survivor doesn’t rise to such exuberance, even if she is over her mourning.  Meanwhile most mornings we continued to shelter in place but after the weekend

had to venture out to Southampton before spending  the rest of the day waiting on the tow truck from Concord’s “Majestic Towing”, absolutely the worst-rated and for good reason.  Jesús

did eventually somewhat sulkily show up, however, and I followed him over to Scott’s Auto

Repair, which had by then closed but Scott came back for us, getting one other thing [’45 hasn’t run since May] on the way as airs worsened.

Tuesday another big item on the agenda was checked off after a trip to far Fairfield for Implants

[which were supposed to be two but at the last minute an Alternative Strategy of One

was proposed and implemented. Implanted] ending

with the usual late afternoon air, or the lack of it, though it was said Relief was on the way.

The rain came Wednesday [and crud with it], the temperature went down,

but the AQI really didn’t

until late in the day. Then in the night, when they figured nobody was watching, our Good

Corporate Neighbor [if you believe their propaganda] Valero did one of their illegal dumps;

By Thanksgiving morning, however, all was clear and bright…

So we’ll leave it at that and hope one and all had and have lots to be thankful for…

Holidays are upon us!