…and the airport we dive into sorting, loading, packing; Wednesday for L. is catch-up and for me strange sightings over the straits…
Two V22 “Ospreys”; our tax dollars hard at work…multi-billions in overruns for silly unsafe warbirds. Yee-hah! Freedom isn’t Free…but it just might be Dumb.
Thursday, following a sorry saga at Home depot, L. and her studio assistant Scott returned with a 26′ Penske into which we managed to fit plywood and my paintings
…and I still made it to the jetty by cycle before four
…and home.
Friday, windy morning;
Highway 37 to…
101 north to Paradise Ridge Winery north of Santa Rosa,
a Paradise where the Free Frame of Reference lives on; odds are nobody here’s heard of the Diggers or interested in their notions of freedom at this late date. Weird then, weirder now.
We were there to take down “Crackle”
…and “Planetesimal”
…with a chaotic crew whose views of their respective competencies vastly exceeded actuality.
Attau they weren’t, but the dog was sweet and despite many contradictory ideas gratuitously offered everything, miraculously without damage or injury, made it into the truck by lunch…
After which we, or mainly Scott, spend another hour + tying it off
before heading south to the ridiculous standstill traffic between Black Point and Vallejo, adding an hour to our return…
Home at last, and a last dinner down First…
Saturday loaded small trucks, last provisions, last bikeride [in rain!]
…and, all that done, time to head off into the sunset except, the West being to the east,
…it will be sunrise, or shortly thereafter.
for sure…