Monthly Archives: July 2015

Libre, the early version…

Into the misty mountains, nearly a-faint from unloading at altitude, local rodents and the scenery;

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Eluding the skunk we venture up the road at least a small bit to find Dean at home in the dome, alive with 70’s free jazz and 4D;

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Then…well, late nights or nights of revelry unrecorded so let’s just say here’s a whole pile of pictures with few explanations, though this first one’s the remains of a sweat lodge up the hill from us, followed by our immediate environs…

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A year for grasses, piñons and gravel;

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Dogs up Dry Creek and more grasses; amazing growths of grasses everywhere even where years of Vincie’s horses and drought had left Linny’s meadow just “weeds” and dust;

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Apologies to W. Eugene Smith, con perros…


After evenings of natural lights we investigate the artificiality of malls in Pueblo and, unexpectedly, Colorado Springs as well…

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A welcome detour to Jorge’s in the Bessemer District on the way back sweetens our return to the mountains,

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Where maybe things will even out after awhile……though not if the GPR guys have anything to say about it.  Water, we think they’re after water this time; any water left un-poisoned after the frackers?

