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After the fancy cars

it was back to “des voitures ordinaires”…and ongoing attempts

to free up the steering in the ’45* which, with advice from Matt at Seret Speed and Custom

and Scott Zoog’s Dremel expertise seems to have been accomplished around the time Linda was in the air on her way to Denver to check in on fabrication of the 20′ tall “Wayfinding”

and attend her opening at Robischon Gallery In the interim I kept myself entertained with trips

to Kaiser and rides against the winds of April as well as celebrating the Inkies’ actual

fifth birthday for which they were not only treated salmon treats but took it upon themselves

to devour my Friday night chicken, leaving me with leftover salmon on a salad.  Which was fine…even more so as nobody threw up any of the raw poultry.

Oh well…dogs, present and past.

An apparitional Saturday ensued, L. came home,

elated but weary, in time for Chue-Chee salmon at Mai Thai across the street and by morning

was sufficiently recovered from her adventures to finally walk Cosmos again, to his considerable


*Note proximity of steering linkage to exhaust manifold.