An inter-winter Interlude: Wall Spring, late January…

Wherein, having successfully navigated the depths and shallows of Sand Pass we arrive late afternoon of a Thursday to find progress on the Repository, which is worked on a bit Friday and much of the day Saturday as well as the following Wednesday, Thursday and probably Friday, though not shown until later, below.

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The last of Linda’s Colorado Christmas pizzelles, a bit besogged with Benicia’s fogs, are aired to dry, crisp up nicely and subsequently consumed.


Days, as they will, pass; we have wildlife experiences of avian sorts, coyotes howl in the distance to dogs’ consternation [unlike the late Specky, who was fluent, neither Lefty nor Aggie speak Coyote] and fairly constant traffic on the county road, it being another weekend of Upland Birds, one of whom becomes trapped repeatedly in the new building.

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Sunday is devoted to Intense Moving; while Tips stays in Willey’s truck the shed migrates and Aljo is placed in a last resting place before moving on to a new life, all ending Monday with W.’s machinery peaceably at rest…


Once moved the shed’s Stuff had to be moved back around or into it, which took most of the time and energy remaining;

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…in the course of which certain no longer essential objects were identified, such as this set of chains for four 12.50x33x15″ tires…no reasonable offer refused;


…but not these things, which we’re keeping [“Grey Matter”; Repository; Wall Spring Tree; ’41 Dodge; Globe Willow];

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Repeatedly the sun comes up, regardless, across the brown dry desert…

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…and goes down, too; so, one last sunset;

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…followed by [surprise!] sunrise and back to Benicia hitting all the usuals; Buffalo Meadows, Smoke Creek, Sand Pass, Doyle Road, Doyle, Hallelujah Junction; Vinton, Loyalton, Sierraville, Highway 89, Truckee and 80 on into the hazy Valley etc…pounding through that Sacramento traffic [not shown]…

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[things are, initially, more colorful in California]



9 thoughts on “An inter-winter Interlude: Wall Spring, late January…

  1. Kirk

    Wow things are looking really good out there ar Wall. The Repository, the moving of items and, of course, all the beautiful photos of sunrises, sunsets etc. etc. Winter on the desert, can’t beat it!

      1. Dave

        Colaptes auratus cafer, aka Red Shafted Flicker.
        How did this one get into your new structure?
        We have them up here in Rossland, even through the winter!
        And, we had them in Saratoga, CA.
        Forever tunneling into the woodworks, or standing on the metal cap of the gas vent, and hammering away to declare its territory. The metal cap hammering reverberates through the entire house! Quite alarming, until you realize what it is! I love their distinctive wingbeat: flip, flip, flip, gliiiiiide.

        1. mikesmoore Post author

          With that ten by ten foot aperture for the as yet nonexistent rollup door Mr. Flicker had NO problem finding his way in…

  2. Janet

    Inclined to agree with Ann…Nevada looked pretty colorful! Loved the color saturated mountains at sunset and then the kind of upside down ‘sunset’ of the yellow tree in front of the mountains. That was a lot of heavy lifting…hope you plan to relax for awhile!

  3. Dave

    We’re gonna haf’ ta’ slap a GPS onner yer truck, kids, and keep tracks o’ where you’ve been!,+NV,+United+States/Smoke+Creek+Rd,+Gerlach,+NV+89412,+USA/Buffalo+Meadows+Rd,+Gerlach,+NV+89412,+USA/Sand+Pass,+NV,+USA/Doyle,+CA+96109,+USA/Hallelujah+Junction,+Lassen+County,+CA,+United+States/Chilcoot-Vinton,+CA,+United+States/Loyalton,+CA,+United+States/Sierraville,+CA,+United+States/Truckee,+CA,+United+States/@39.830046,-120.3142071,9z


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