Here we were all wrapped up in worrying about what’s going to happen to our Stuff [the rudiments of what might be called Estate Planning] while in the interim Our Great Leader, partly
to divert attention from what some were oh-so-belatedly declaring a “constitutional crisis” and partly because he just can, is proclaiming a trade war with the world’s most powerful economy
while his fundamentally mentally handicapped fundamentalist Christian idiots are doing their best to provoke Global War on the other side of the glob. Er, globe. Meanwhile here it’s
[list found outside 122 West H; that second item’s already taken care of but I can’t figure out what to do about “cayucos”. “Burritos” should not present a problem.]
all dentistry, optometry and geometry with healthful little spurts of socializing inspirational of
the revisitation of past lives, lives of the mind and the minds of hypothetical others from three +
decades previous, available [if not entirely decipherable] via the Dolly Hayden narrative
as we careen towards Summer
doing or having various Last Things Done like the last time the house gets cleaned or the last
probable time to work on or even look at these paintings, clean the brushes, experience
unanticipated rain, leave the dog and fly away
for three days.
[Footed note; the book above, “Tosh”, by Tosh Berman, is a truly unique read covering a truly unique time down among the Canyons of L.A., times unlikely to come round again, told in the truly unique voice of one who was most decidedly There. Highly recommended if you like that sort of stuff.]
Definitely making the most (in all sorts of ways) of you leaving days.