Are the Feckless Bastards of Intimidation truly in Putin’s pocket?…

Well, given what a talented operative he is it’s a conclusion that that Interesting News the Friday before Hallowe’en might lead one to suspect…hmmm; Means, Motive, Opportunity


and More…It was a dark and stormy night, a dark and rainy day. I left; traffic was heavy, but moving pretty fast; stopped off in Fairfield, then back onto 80,


still rainy, traffic still heavy, moving pretty fast.


I pulled off an hour later for a pee and a bite to eat in the rain at Heather Glen, then the hill, wet all the way, traffic thinning slightly.




East to Reno, Wadsworth whose Smoke Shop’s pumps were all ‘out of order’ so on to the outskirts of Fernley and back


to SR 447, blissfully empty all the way to the Gerlach, where my box was stuffed with hysterical Repuppetlican fear-mongering propaganda.


Then, in last splats of rain, to the muddy Smoke Creek,


4:04 at the gate


without, it turned out, keys, necessitating a tense return to town to pluck them from the still-open p.o. box.


4:45 again at the gate [not shown] and got things pretty much unloaded and put away by dark.

Woke before dawn, clear light, rain through the night;



muddy walk, still under the weather



but a beautiful day nonetheless.





Next came a day of persistent rain…mid-morning Willey, long-anticipated, appears to look over my various ACECs, for which he has, as anticipated, practical solutions, plus news from town and Tales of the Burnocracy.


Still somewhat illin’ I stay in…fill in my ballot, do watercolors, sneeze etc.



until it clears off enough for a walk in chill winds, last light, then quiet.



Having finally figured out a temporary fix for the toilet so the pump doesn’t clank on and off every ten minutes I slept way late Monday, leaving just time enough to survey the wet land,


[too wet to burn]







breakfast on the east porch before the daily watercolors and


make a noon run to town to mail in the mail ins.


Anyway, I’m sure America will all be just SO great soon…

out here, anyway.


And, given the news as this goes out, what happens next Tuesday will determine whether Mr. Comey will be Special Envoy to the Kremlin or Chief of Security at the Dollar Store in Arco, Idaho, depending.

Not exactly subtle, n’cest pas?



8 thoughts on “Are the Feckless Bastards of Intimidation truly in Putin’s pocket?…

  1. Kirk Moore

    So what should I worry about more…..Putin’s Pawn in the White House or a full-scale revolution against his opponent when she wins? All those disenfranchised, illiterate, brainwashed but volatile (and well-armed) militias probably won’t be satisfied with just impeachment, only a proper lynching on the on the front lawn with AK-47s blazing in the background will do.
    This is the end result of choosing bombs over books for several decades (and our Demockery of voting with dollars): The de-escalation of education, decline of civilized co-existence and the de-evolution of a once-great Nation.
    But wait…Trump promises to make us “Great” again. Good idea, except his idea of “Great” may not be great for everyone: Build big walls, cozy up with pussies & Putin, bomb everyone else who doesn’t agree. Well, at least he’s got a lot of experience with bankruptcies….and America will need that if Trump is in charge.
    OK, enough….I’m going back to watching my favorite reality TV shows….the News.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      If only we’d grown up in Chicago we’d have had some truly uplifting reality TV to watch for the last several news cycles…the Cubs? After 108 years? wowee!

      Anyway, back to the Great…wouldn’t you rather watch reruns of “Breaking Bad’?

  2. Janet

    I too loved the floating mountain way at end of the road….as well as many more, too many to describe individually, just so beautiful. We flew over those lightly dusted mountains on our way to Chicago, the day after the big win. The statistic I loved was, the last time the Cubs won, there was still an Ottoman Empire!

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      I love that! Thank you…even more as I’m still flavoring my bbq chicken with the last of the Ottoman spice we brought back from Turkey two [long] years ago.

  3. nancy haynes

    where is lefty?
    where is aggie?
    how is your flu now?
    I love the images
    with the weight of
    the sky – and as
    always – the photographs
    of linda’s sculptures
    are terrific. someday…
    I hope to go there
    in person – depending
    of course – on tuesday.
    otherwise – see you in

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Aggie stayed home with Lefty as he recuperates from The Procedure [successfully] and as for Canada, well, if we have to go there’s always Rossland where my sister has established a considerable beach-head, being mayor ‘n’ all…nice town, great chocolate.


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