which we spent eating up those last week’s groceries while still blessed with unreasonably
unseasonably bearable weather and after a lunch at the pond with Linda’s collaborator Larry* and his friend Colter from Cedarville,
the first consecutively unpopulated days since we arrived here in May for
a banner year of visitors, prince’s plumes and dogs’ projects…all of which made for
a slow season in the studio although at least this last period allowed time to visit
one venue or the other as well as enjoy clouds, rain
on the tin roof [dinners, aside from Malbec label below, not shown] and
small creatures’ symmetric excavations
on our last wanderings.
All this was only too soon overwhelmed by Migration Preparations which culminated,
one quite quiet final afternoon, with thunder.
Mosquitoes, also…and Wednesday morning, early, the confusion of lost things, last packing, last
at grasses and ponds…
*Linda and Larry are curating her show in Omaha and both writing essays for the catalog.
Particularly enjoyed (but as always) the opening photo of Linda’s beautiful piece set perfectly on the land with avian ornaments!
I loved the avian ornaments on that sculpture too, but surprised it wasn’t on its way to Omaha! gorgeous photos. are you on your way to Colorado now?
As you move from one pasture to the next in your annual “transhumance” the pace seemed couched in a very bucolic Wall. Onward……