Second week threatened


but rarely delivered anything like it

although Saturday I did finally make it laboriously up Fossil Hill.

Weekend’s end saw distant virgas, not here,

and a Monday trip to Pueblo where groceries, lunch* and dentistry left us diminished.

Nonetheless home

to a welcome visit from brother-in-law Dave [first time since Covid] and a late wet walk**

with dogs…Tuesday morning D. baked,

an Ascent of Fossil Hill interspersed which left me

again a bit depleted though come dinner things improved and after all that

he treated us to images of May’s familial Bordeaux bicycling trip before bed.

Wednesday saw Dave headed for Durango over Pass Creek which seemed to work just fine***

after which we and the dogs made it up the hill before a lunch of pizza remnants,


pasta on the porch and quietly into the night despite.

Yet another bright morning, straggling up Fossil Hill,


and after a suitable amount of time and another small perambulation

winding down on the evening porch…two weeks here now, better than ever.

Well, pretty good anyway…

* Jorge’s, for lunch forever closed since Covid, recommended a tempting place downtown unfortunately closed Mondays and Tuesdays but Habaneross‘ proved a decent enough alternative.

**Wet and muddy thanks to a welcome if unanticipated deluge just as we set off into the woods.

***For years after the Spring Creek Fire Pass Creek remained closed due to mud and rockslides…this was the first I’d heard it was open to through traffic.  Yay!

7 thoughts on “Second week threatened

  1. Fred+Kolouch

    Michael, maybe it’s just a sensual memory bank from growing up in Southern and Central Idaho, but your photos so often make me feel the temperature, the air and the feeling in my hands of the dirt and the dust., the short rain shower on my face.
    Thanks so much.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Ah Fred…nice to hear that. Not enough to make you want to trade Long Island for Grand Island or, closer to what once was home, Twin Falls perhaps but happy to remind you…

      1. Fred+Kolouch

        Yes, in spite of a lot of negatives I seem to be fully committed to living on the South Fork of Long Island.

  2. kirk+moore

    Be careful posting such delicious food photos, you may involuntarily become a fanatical foodie destination. That pizza tempts me to jump on the first jet to Denver, rent a car and show up for dinner (or even dinner left-overs at lunch). Also, please notify me of future visits by Dave C, his baking looks worthy of a tasting pilgrimage.
    Glad to hear Fossil Hill treks are being accomplished, but at 8,200’+ in elevation, they should no doubt be done in moderation.
    Also great to hear Pass Creek is open again, we arrived from the south that way years ago, but recently left via the longer 69>520>160 loop… and it was nonetheless quite scenic. Either way, cruising the Huerfano is beautiful.

    1. mikesmoore Post author

      Yep, great bakes and way tempting for a breadophobe such as myself…the baker last seen heading for Jackson, Wyoming, and home I think. Of course starting at 8,130 Fossil Hill isn’t quite the climb it would be from sea level but having spent an inordinate time at sea level of late acclimatization is proving gradual.

  3. Janet Whitchurch

    I wish some rain would threaten in Monterey…I am back to using pasta water to irrigate. Love the long landscape shot with the highlighted mountain. So glad to hear you are improving.


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