The weak go on…

After the weekend’s festivities we went up the Knoll to see if SISU could be seen but

despite it being only slightly hazy couldn’t.

On a day all our own we returned to Fossil, the other Hill,

before a Tuesday half spent, after another trip up the knoll,

readying for dinner for seven at 6:30 which worked out wonderfully, friends unseen since

the [first] Summer of Covid [salmon and guests not shown] well met and well fed.

While still in recovery from that a three hour lunch ensued and

next day it was back to the ‘burg for a

perusal of the yard at the ‘bib, finding half a pickup load of detritus at the curb, eight inches of stubble everywhere and nothing raked up. We waited half an hour but the guy responsible never showed, eventually calling as we were on our way to Pueblo to whinge about the work while his stoned buddy in the background could be heard complaining that the weeds we’d

expected removed were “mulch”. L. explained we hadn’t ordered mulch and she’d send the check when pictures proved he’d done the job he’d bid [which he did].  In Pueblo the partially repaired sewing machine, dog food for our neighbor’s fussy puppy and groceries

were all collected before Fritanga’s tacos and mole enchiladas which were

good but not quite as great as last week’s enchiladas Aztecas.

That done it was only 80/20 Wines, Gagliano’s sausage, gas on the way out

and home, six and a half hours away and

unexpectedly in the nineties at 3:30…

Things cooled off enough to enjoy the Hilarious Spumante I’d found last minute at 80/20’s checkout, quite amenable with Gag’s seafood ravioli. And fun.

Soon we the [still] weakened rolled into another weekend, Saturday being Libre’s annual council

meeting, held this year in Dean’s personal aspen grove just above the First Dome;

Secretary, Attorney, President, Treasurer wandering off down the hill, Architect…and

D. Fleming, pioneer and stalwart defender of the hippie anarchist zeitgeist.

Two and a half hours in the rains began and we moved [got to get back up there in quieter

times to see Those Paintings] to the dome for an hour of diminishing returns until the meeting eventually adjourned and we went home to prepare for the subsequent Party…

on which we bailed due to slime in the pigpen and more on the way to stay in eating the shrimps L. had intended to contribute followed by port and stilton around the fire on the last evening of July… all night rain.

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